Saturday 4 July 2009

Watched yesterday

Encounters At The End Of The World - fascinating documentary-film from Werner Herzog exploring what motivates some people to live and work in Antarctica. Genuininely interesting and with some stunning sequences under the ice - 4/5

Kate & Peter: The Next Chapter: Stateside - 4/5

Californication: La Ronde - 3/5

Countdown: 3rd July
Innis Carson - 115
Danny Marsh - 70
Dan Brusca - 66
Spotted one 8-letter word - RESONATE.

Big Brother: Day 28 - 4/5

Big Brother: Day 29 - Marcus is a total legend. He was wrong when he denied his language outside could be seen as threatening, but he was spot-on when he railled against being pulled up for mocking Sree's accent - 4/5

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