Which isn't to say it's a bad film. If you can spend all disbelief it's actually quite entertaining, but if you open up your critical faculties for even a second, it all falls apart. The first third or so is actually rather terrific and full of humour as we follow the central character from his crappy life, through an excellent action setpiece involving Angelina and a Lambourghini and to the realisation of who he really is. After that it's all a bit thin. The storyline, such as it is, is rather perfunctory and serves only to facilitate largely daft action scenes and set the ground for what the producers hope will be a sequel, in much the same was as X-Men did.
The film is directed by Timur Bekmambetov, and if I were to describe him as a Kazakh Michael Bay, it would give you a good idea as to where the flm is coming from.
McAvoy is likeable enough, with an unhearalded affinity with the genre, though he struggles to do an American accent. Of course, for most men Angelina Jolie is the draw and she won't disappoint any of them. She doesn't really need to do much acting here and she doesn't really have all that many lines, but she can say so much with a look or a sly smile that she doesn't need all that much dialogue and every time she's on screen, she's heartstopping. Truly, there are few words that can do justice to how utterly breathtaking she has become. You get to see her ass too, and for that we are truly thankful.

In summary, generally entertaining, but it ultimately falls far short of it's initial promise.
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