Thursday 29 January 2009

Guardian Designs

Yeah, I know it's a lame subject line, but I am a singularly unimaginative individual, as you will all no doubt agree.

Reading through the Guardian's G2 section this lunchtime, I happened across Lucy Mangan's 'Last night's TV' column, in which she went on a lot about her irrational hatred of Grand Designs. As I read though, it became apparent that we saw different episodes of the show.

So what happened? Turns out that Kevin McCloud had a skiing accident and was unable to complete the voiceover for the episode that was supposed to have been shown and which Channel 4 released to TV critics. It does rather beg the question though, why are Channel 4 sending out incomplete episodes? Why complete the second episode before the first, particularly when all that was missing was the voiceover?

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